When people start to have financial difficulties, their problems often start to snowball out of control. A few missed card payments, for instance, can lead to the repossession of the vehicle which then makes it more difficult to get to and from work. This can lead to the loss of employment and even more financial challenges. Fortunately, there are ways to stop vehicle repossession in Oregon and overcome such problems.
If you are being harassed by creditors and threatened with repossession, the first thing you will want to do is contact the loan provider. If the bank has not already sent your account to the repossession company, you may be able to prevent your vehicle from being repossessed by negotiating with the bank. If it is possible to get current on your loan, including paying any late fees and/or interest payments that were charged because of missed payments, you may be able to keep your automobile. If the loan provider has contacted the repossession company, you may or may not be able avoid repossession; it will depend on where your case is in the process.
Bankruptcy is another option for those who are trying to stop repossession. You will want to consult with an attorney to determine if Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 is best for your unique financial situation. Chapter 13 allows you to restructure your debt in a way that makes payments more manageable and typically keep assets such as vehicles. The same automobile exemptions can also be claimed when residents of Oregon file Chapter 7.
Source: Foxbusiness.com, “Avoid Repossession by Paying off car Loan,” Tara Baukus Mello, September 3, 2013.