There are many unpleasant consequences that come with having a lot of debt. From phone calls from debt collectors to losing a portion of your income, debt can affect many areas of your life. One of the ways you may experience this is through wage...
A Personalized, Sensitive
Approach To Bankruptcy
Asset Forfeiture
Will filing for bankruptcy stop wage garnishment?
When you have serious debt, you may feel like you will never get ahead. Even if you pay the bare minimum on all your bills, you can still fall behind. When that happens, your creditors may resort to extreme measures to get their money.Perhaps one of your creditors...
Car repossession: A hard battle to fight alone
Families going through financial hardships have a lot on their plate. Student loans, medical debt and credit card debt starts to pile up and there’s barely room for anything else. Then the unthinkable happens, and your car is repossessed. It’s devastating...
Help! My wages are being garnished
We’ve all been there. You have had a rough patch where your income wasn’t as high as you’d like—and of course, your bills were higher than you’d like. But, now you have a better paying job and you’re getting back on your feet. That...
How far can a creditor can go to repossess my car?
If you have fallen behind on bills and plan to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you may still be planning to keep your vehicle under the Oregon motor vehicle exemption. However, a creditor may have other plans. Before the car is repossessed, here are some things to...
Possible challenges to garnished wages
In Oregon, wage garnishment, or having a piece of one’s paycheck given directly to a creditor, has several iterations. Private creditors (credit card collectors, unpaid landlords, etc.) require a court judgment against the debtor to garnish wages, while other...
Driving an upside-down car
Transportation in Oregon is a necessity, but if you had to buy your car with less than optimal financing, even if you have been making your payments on time, you could find yourself in serious trouble. Sometimes, in order to get a customer into a new car, the...
Can I avoid losing my car during a bankruptcy?
Like most Eugene residents, you probably rely on your car to get to work, go grocery shopping and otherwise get around. If you are forced to be without your vehicle, getting anywhere may be unfeasible without causing further hardship. Unfortunately, your vehicle and...
What is the difference between a secured and unsecured loan?
There are numerous opportunities for Eugene residents to get loans, even if they are recovering from a personal bankruptcy. It can be a good thing to have a line of credit, as long as you manage it carefully. Being responsible with debt can help raise your credit...
How does Chapter 7 liquidation work?
If you are dealing with financial issues in Oregon, you may have considered filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. According to the Internal Revenue Service, this is a debt relief option that is meant to aid those who cannot pay down their debts through regular monthly...
Learn More About Your Fresh Financial Start
The Law Office of Kim Covington, is a woman owned debt relief agency, and I have helped families, individuals and small businesses, file for bankruptcy relief under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, for over 24 years.