If you’re trying to decide how to save money making your next purchase, one thing to consider is using cash instead of a credit card. That simple change could make a massive difference, even if you’re already wondering what the difference could possibly be. On one...
A Personalized, Sensitive
Approach To Bankruptcy
Month: August 2020
Are you too young to file for bankruptcy?
It’s easy to believe that you’re too young for bankruptcy. After all, you haven’t even hit your stride in regard to your career. However, as long as you’re 18 or older, you have the legal right to file for bankruptcy. As a member of the younger generation, there are...
Bankruptcy filing may help struggling homeowners
Chapter 13 bankruptcy may serve as a resource for struggling homeowners who are unable to make their mortgage payments. Avoiding foreclosure is a serious concern for many families which is why they should be familiar with legal resources that may be able to help them...
Learn More About Your Fresh Financial Start
The Law Office of Kim Covington, is a woman owned debt relief agency, and I have helped families, individuals and small businesses, file for bankruptcy relief under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, for over 24 years.