In today's fast-paced world, managing personal finances can be a challenging task. For some individuals, excessive credit card usage can lead to financial turmoil. In some cases, bankruptcy may be the best solution. 1. High credit card balances One of the most evident...
A Personalized, Sensitive
Approach To Bankruptcy
Month: December 2023
Preparing to file for personal bankruptcy
According to Statista, 922 Oregon residents filed for bankruptcy in 2021. Filing for personal bankruptcy is a significant decision that requires careful preparation and understanding. It is a legal process that allows you to address unmanageable debts, but it involves...
Should you file for bankruptcy because of medical debt?
Medical debt creates a difficult financial situation for many American families. Filing for bankruptcy could be a solution to mounting hospital bills you cannot pay. Considering all factors can help you decide whether you should pursue bankruptcy for significant...
Learn More About Your Fresh Financial Start
The Law Office of Kim Covington, is a woman owned debt relief agency, and I have helped families, individuals and small businesses, file for bankruptcy relief under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, for over 24 years.