The strategic use of your credit card may help you build good credit. However, some credit card providers offer generous rewards and perks, which may tempt you into overspending and result in debt. Being in debt may pose critical financial problems with long-term...
A Personalized, Sensitive
Approach To Bankruptcy
Credit Card Debt
Why disability and divorce can cause high credit card debt
Credit card debt is a burden for many individuals and families. Various life circumstances can make it challenging for people to manage finances. They may rely on credit cards to cover necessary expenses. Understanding how specific factors contribute to credit card...
How Chapter 7 bankruptcy can help families with credit card debt
Families in Oregon may have significant credit card debt due to medical expenses from childbirth, limited income and child essentials. Chapter 7 bankruptcy could be a potential solution for some of these families facing overwhelming credit card debt. For example, it...
4 signs your credit card usage may signal bankruptcy
In today's fast-paced world, managing personal finances can be a challenging task. For some individuals, excessive credit card usage can lead to financial turmoil. In some cases, bankruptcy may be the best solution. 1. High credit card balances One of the most evident...
American credit card debt breaks $1 trillion
Credit card debt in the United States has recently hit an all-time high. Reports indicate that it cumulatively broke $1 trillion earlier this fall. It’s a dramatic spike showing that Americans are more reliant on credit cards than they ever have been before. Of...
Are you responsible for your spouse’s spending?
You feel that your spouse’s spending has gotten out of control. Perhaps you’re even considering a divorce. You know that it’s impossible for you to pay off the debt that your spouse has accumulated. You’re worried about what it will mean for your financial future. ...
2 signs your credit card debt is getting out of control
Used prudently, a credit card can be an effective financial tool. A credit card can come in handy when an unexpected expense comes up. You can also use it to build and maintain a strong credit history. And, you basically need a credit card for certain transactions...
Credit cards make people overspend
Do you ever get to the end of the month and find yourself shocked by the credit card statement? You knew you were using your credit card all month, of course, but you just didn’t realize exactly how much you spent. You can’t believe that you made so many purchases. If...
Try to avoid careless credit card use
When used carefully, credit cards can be a great asset for consumers. If you’re running short just before you get paid, you can rely on your credit card to make important purchases. Some credit card providers even offer rewards schemes as you make payments....
Strategies for addressing your personal debts
It is a common misconception that only those who are reckless with their funds find themselves in financial troubles, but this is clearly not the case. In fact, many households across America find have money problems, with total household debts exceeding $14 trillion...
Learn More About Your Fresh Financial Start
The Law Office of Kim Covington, is a woman owned debt relief agency, and I have helped families, individuals and small businesses, file for bankruptcy relief under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, for over 24 years.