When a person finds themselves with debts that cannot be paid by the assets and money they currently have, they may choose to file for bankruptcy to give them a chance to start over. Filing for bankruptcy may help a person in Oregon to recover financially and avoid...
A Personalized, Sensitive
Approach To Bankruptcy
Month: April 2013
Oregon company appears to be struggling with financial woes
When a company ends up with debts that they are unable to pay, they may choose the option of filing for bankruptcy. Although filing for bankruptcy in Oregon may cause the company to close, it could provide relief from debt and stop creditors from pursuing the company...
Some job applicants disqualified after credit checks
For many people in Oregon, credit card debt is a serious burden. Often, unmanageable credit card debt stems from a major life change like a job loss, a serious medical issue or a divorce. When people no longer have the income they relied on for so long, or acquired...
Improve your finances by understanding credit cards
Many people in Oregon know what it's like to have credit card debt. When you don't have to pay for an expense right away, it can be easy to let debt build up. When this happens, you may end up facing a huge bill at the end of the month. If this happens month after...
Learn More About Your Fresh Financial Start
The Law Office of Kim Covington, is a woman owned debt relief agency, and I have helped families, individuals and small businesses, file for bankruptcy relief under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, for over 24 years.