Payday loans are a seemingly simple way for people to get short-term loans in small amounts from private companies. They usually require that a person provide a personal check, authorization for a withdrawal from his or her bank account, or permission for the payday...
A Personalized, Sensitive
Approach To Bankruptcy
Month: January 2016
Are financial classes required for bankruptcy?
In Oregon, if you file for either chapter 13 or chapter 7 bankruptcy, you are required to first undergo credit counseling with an approved provider, after which you must take a debtor education course. The classes have individual purposes, both of which are aimed at...
Secured and unsecured debts explained
Debt, when used properly, can be a valuable tool for many people to build their financial health and grow their own worth. However, at the Law Office of , we see many clients who unknowingly place themselves in a compromised financial...
How do I remove inaccurate information from my credit report?
In Oregon, the bankruptcy court does not report any information to credit reporting agencies. Due to the public nature of bankruptcy documents, credit reporting agencies routinely gather information regarding bankruptcy filings and process that information. However,...
Advantages of Chapter 13 bankruptcy
Depending on a person or couple’s situation, Chapter 13 bankruptcy may be a good financial decision for them to make. Instead of choosing the more common liquidation offered with Chapter 7 bankruptcy, Chapter 13 provides debtors with an opportunity to repay some...
Learn More About Your Fresh Financial Start
The Law Office of Kim Covington, is a woman owned debt relief agency, and I have helped families, individuals and small businesses, file for bankruptcy relief under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, for over 24 years.