If you are having trouble meeting your financial obligations, your best wisdom may counsel you to consider declaring bankruptcy. However, before jumping the gun, it is important that you come up with a plan and a strategy. This includes identifying the right bankruptcy to file as well as the legal representative who will take you through this significant process.
Once you have decided to declare bankruptcy, it is a sure bet that your decision will be anything but an easy one. Having made such a crucial decision, it is important that you avoid certain mistakes both before and during the bankruptcy declaration process. Remember, some of the things you, or do not do, during this process can have a huge impact on the outcome of your bankruptcy.
Things to do when filing for bankruptcy
It is important that you take certain steps to prepare for bankruptcy. Some of these steps include:
- Putting your financial documents together – Some of the documents you need to gather when declaring bankruptcy include earning statements, debt payments as well as a list of your assets and liabilities.
- Prioritizing your payments – While you can skip some expenses, it is important to note that some are essential. For instance, if you own a car debt, it is important that you keep your payments up to date so you can have the car you need to drive to work.
- Being truthful – Lying qualifies as a crime in a bankruptcy court. Be sure to tell the truth at all times during the bankruptcy process.
Things to avoid when filing for bankruptcy
It is important that you avoid the following before as well as during the bankruptcy process:
- Taking on more credit – Carrying on with your spending spree or applying for that payday loan may seem like a quick fix. However, these can greatly hurt your bankruptcy case.
- Lying – Again, say the trust always. You risk losing possession of any documents that you do not include in your bankruptcy documents.
Bankruptcy provides a great relief to individuals and businesses that are in financial distress. However, it is important that you know the rules of the book when filing for bankruptcy.