Credit cards can often be hard to resist. Sometimes, the credit on these cards feels like your money, and in times when you do not have money in your bank account, these can be used to purchase things like groceries and clothing. Credit cards generally should only be used as a convenience, and only when you have the funds to pay them back. They have several benefits – using them responsibly can increase your credit score, and they also can protect you as a consumer when you make big purchases.
If you have been using your credit cards to get by when you have not had an income, or if you have been spending more on credit cards than you earn, you will eventually find yourself in a lot of debt. This can be stressful, but it’s important to remember that there is always a way to solve any financial problem. The following are some strategies to consider if you want to get out of credit card debt.
Devise a repayment strategy
First, you need to make sure that you are making all of the minimum payments on each credit card you have. If you have many, write down all of the bills and make sure that you are paying them every month. You should then try to pay more than the minimum to tackle your debt faster. You may want to tackle the smallest debt first or the debt with the highest interest rate. You’ll need to be disciplined and organized.
Consider Chapter 7 bankruptcy
If you are in a situation where meeting minimum repayments is simply not possible because you have a low income, Chapter 7 bankruptcy may be a good option. Taking this strategy could mean that you become debt-free in a matter of months.
If you are dealing with credit card debts and a low income, you should explore how Chapter 7 bankruptcy could benefit you.