This year has been one for the record books. If you racked up medical debt this year or got furloughed from a job, you may be struggling to cover your bills and expenses. One way out of the morass of debt is to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
But a lot of people hesitate to file right before the holidays. After all, there is nothing cheery about bankruptcy. Who wants to focus on the unpleasantness of debt when they are trying to appear merry?
Filing now could save trouble later
One problem with hesitating to file for Chapter 7 now before the holidays is that you might be tempted to overspend on your holiday purchases. Remember, when filing after the first of the year, your holiday shopping patterns will be scrutinized. You could wind up having to relinquish high-end gift items or have those debts be exempted from discharge by the trustee.
Filing now gives you a fresh start
By filing your petition for bankruptcy now, when 2021 rolls around, you will be well on your way to having a clean slate with no debts hanging over your head. That’s a good feeling to have, knowing that you have made the right decision to start afresh.
Would you like to know more about Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
If you are inundated with debts you cannot pay, don’t lose another night of sleep over it. We can help you determine when you should file bankruptcy based on the specifics of your situation. We can also help you find a path out of debt. Call our office or contact us online to learn more.