When you are facing financial challenges, the last thing you need to deal with is the threat of home foreclosure or the repossession of your vehicles. At The Law Office of Kim Covington, we understand the stress you may be feeling as you attempt to handle overwhelming debt. We also know how some creditors can make this time in your life especially difficult. You are not alone – countless Oregon residents are going through the same thing and have turned to bankruptcy for relief.
Filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy can give you an opportunity to erase or restructure your debt and get your financial situation back on good footing. However, there are some instances in which you will need to take emergency action to get relief quickly. Personal bankruptcy can make a positive difference, but the court approval process can often take time that you don’t have.
For example, you may have received a notice from the bank that you are about to lose your home. Creditors may be threatening to seize your car, put a lien on your property or garnish your wages. Any of these events will necessitate swift action to keep from happening. An emergency bankruptcy filing can prevent debt collectors from taking further measures against you while you get your finances in order.
An emergency bankruptcy is not to be confused with a “skeleton” bankruptcy, which is a last-minute, hastily filed petition that may prevent you from gathering all the paperwork you need to adequately protect your property. Our firm can help you file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 in a timely manner without leaving out important steps. For more information, please visit our page on emergency filings.