Many individuals in Oregon and elsewhere have experienced periods of significant financial difficulties throughout life. Dealing with overwhelming debt can often be stressful and challenging, prompting many to seek advice in overcoming it. When considering the available options, one might wish to know if consumer bankruptcy is the correct path for his or her current predicament.
There are numerous factors to consider that may influence the decision to file for bankruptcy. Perhaps one of the first steps is to find out how it will impact a person’s assets, and which debts will be eligible for discharge. Chapter 7 bankruptcy may call for the liquidation of certain assets, such as a home, while wiping out many of a person’s debts in the process, often including those pertaining to credit cards and extensive medical expenses.
In addition, it may also be crucial to determine eligibility before proceeding. In Chapter 7, a person may be ineligible if his or her income is deemed sufficient enough to repay certain amounts of debt. However, one who is continually unable to make payments, and is suffering a lesser quality of life as a result, may often qualify for debt relief via bankruptcy.
When searching for the correct path for debt relief, a person may find it advisable to seek assistance in the initial stages of the process. By speaking with a bankruptcy attorney, a client in Oregon could obtain some much-needed advice on the available options, as well as how each may impact his or her financial future. This type of guidance could prove beneficial to pursuing a healthier financial future through the necessary outlets.
Source: FindLaw, “Is Bankruptcy a Good Idea for You?“, July 24, 2017