Eugene Credit Card Debt Lawyer
To many people, credit card debt is the consumer scourge of 21st-century America. Millions of people have more credit card debt than they can afford to pay off, and many of them cannot afford even minimum payments on their debt.
It can feel terrible to know that you cannot pay off a debt despite your best efforts. And it can be aggravating to receive frequent phone calls from credit card companies and collection agents who treat you with disrespect and disregard for your privacy.
Bankruptcy Can Wipe Out Or Restructure Credit Card Debt
The good news is that credit card debt problems can be solved readily and powerfully through bankruptcy if you qualify. Through Chapter 7, your credit card debt can be discharged, or wiped out. Through Chapter 13, which allows filers to keep certain assets such as a house or car, you can often pay off a small part of your credit card debt with a relatively low monthly payment.
As a bankruptcy lawyer, I may be able to help you get rid of your credit card debt or restructure it in a way that makes sense for you. I have assisted hundreds of families in the Portland area whose debt became unmanageable as a result of income loss, mortgage problems, medical bills or other difficulties.
What Is Unsecured Debt?
Credit card debt is a type of unsecured debt, which means there is no collateral, no security, against the debt, as there is with a mortgage or a car loan, so creditors cannot take your property if you don’t make payments. If the debt is left delinquent long enough, though, a credit card company can get a judgment against you and garnish your wages. Garnishment, like harassment by collectors, can be stopped through bankruptcy.
Contact A Eugene And Springfield Loan Negotiation Attorney | Free Consultation
Contact me, Kim Covington, to schedule a free consultation with a Eugene credit card debt attorney. I can answer your questions and explain your options for dealing with credit card debt and other forms of debt. Call 541-393-2790.
I offer flexible evening and weekend hours, by appointment, in the Eugene, Oregon, area.