Get Started On A Fresh Financial Start
Financial troubles do not discriminate. During hard economic times or a good economy, hardworking individuals can fall behind for a wide range of reasons. People from all social, educational, ethnic and professional backgrounds can find themselves with debts they simply cannot afford to pay off.
If you are struggling with debt because of medical expenses, a divorce, a job loss, a business failure, a problematic mortgage or another difficulty, filing for bankruptcy may prove to be helpful to you. Based in Eugene, The Law Office of Kim Covington is here to serve you. As an experienced attorney for bankruptcy and foreclosure prevention, I am passionate about helping my clients overcome financial obstacles. I devote my practice to advising and representing families and individuals in Oregon. I have been practicing law in Oregon for 22 years.
Practice Areas
7 Debt Relief
Business Owners
13 Debt Relief
And Harassment
Bankruptcy Can Stop
Creditor Harassment, Garnishment,
Foreclosure And Repossession
Other serious problems include the threat of foreclosure, repossession of a vehicle, and garnishment of wages and bank accounts. If bankruptcy is right for you, all of these problems can be stopped through a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 filing.
Bankruptcy Can Stop
Creditor Harassment, Garnishment,
Foreclosure And Repossession
Other serious problems include the threat of foreclosure, repossession of a vehicle, and garnishment of wages and bank accounts. If bankruptcy is right for you, all of these problems can be stopped through a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 filing.
A Sensitive, Personalized Approach To Your Financial Situation
As an attorney, I understand the law, and I know how to help my clients utilize the powerful protections offered by the federal Bankruptcy Code. As a human being, I understand the stress that my clients are under.
If you retain me as your lawyer, I will give you the personal attention you deserve and give you honest, practical advice about your financial situation. At all times, I will handle your case in a way that serves your best interests.
Learn More About Your Fresh Financial Start
The Law Office of Kim Covington, is a woman owned debt relief agency, and I have helped families, individuals and small businesses, file for bankruptcy relief under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, for over 24 years.